Monday, April 28, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Part of the Louvre as photographed from the Jardin de Tuileries
Louise Bourgeois sclupture at the Jardin de Tuileries. (Ironically, I had seen this same sculpture outside the Tate Modern about a month earlier)
(Above & Below): Unfortunately, it rained nearly everyday of my trip in Paris which prevented me from photographing as much as I would have liked. In the case of these two pictures, however, I think the rain worked in my favor as I love what the puddles add to the photos of a pathway at the Jardin de Tuileries.
"Corner Hotel", Paris
Paris in Black & White
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Bath, April 6 2008

I photographed this mineral build-up at the Roman Baths because it reminded me of an abstract expressionist painting.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I'm sure this sounds completely insane, but I'm having a lot of trouble finding new artists to draw inspiration from. I'm sitting here at the gallery alone, with my notebook full of at least 10 names of photographers I have written down throughout my time in London, and each name I google is feeling less and less inspirational. Perhaps I'm just in a sour mood... and honestly I wish I were back at clark where Frank or Stephen could name off 30 artists (each) who's work would give me hundreds of fresh ideas. It is so hard to keep moving forward and pushing myself without any one to guide me or give advice, but I suppose that is one of the main lessons I have learned here. I have learned to photograph for myself, rather than for a weekly critique; and I have developed a sense of motivation which in the past was completely based on weekly deadlines. I want my photographs to be great (and I want them to improve) not for a grade or to attempt to prove to myself that my work is at least not the worst hanging on the wall. I want my photographs to be great for me, so I can be proud of my work despite the fact that no one may ever critique it or talk about it. I think that's an important lesson that I've learned while I've been away, because I think it will help me feel more comfortable shooting whatever makes me happy... and not just what will impress my professors and fellow students.
Being here has given me a sense of what life will be like after college, when my photographic endeavors will be completely in my hands. It's a terrifying thought that once I graduate from Clark I may never 'make ART' again, and without this experience I hate to admit that it quite possibly could have happened. Not now though, now I know that my cameras (all 6 of 'em) are permanent fixtures in my life. Even if I don't pursue a career in the field and I do become a high school math teacher... I know that when I go traveling I will still feel compelled to have both a film AND digital camera (and maybe my Polaroid as well.. just in case) in tow, just so I'm prepared for whatever may come up. I know now that photography is not just a phase.. its a part of my life and no matter what I will keep taking pictures and they WILL keep getting better.
Being here has given me a sense of what life will be like after college, when my photographic endeavors will be completely in my hands. It's a terrifying thought that once I graduate from Clark I may never 'make ART' again, and without this experience I hate to admit that it quite possibly could have happened. Not now though, now I know that my cameras (all 6 of 'em) are permanent fixtures in my life. Even if I don't pursue a career in the field and I do become a high school math teacher... I know that when I go traveling I will still feel compelled to have both a film AND digital camera (and maybe my Polaroid as well.. just in case) in tow, just so I'm prepared for whatever may come up. I know now that photography is not just a phase.. its a part of my life and no matter what I will keep taking pictures and they WILL keep getting better.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Today I learned a valuable lesson in photography:
If you think your camera might have a light leak... do not assume it will just go away and shoot two rolls of film with it anyway.
Yes, I was dumb enough to do just that. And yes, almost all of my pictures are ruined. To be honest, I'm not sure any of them were very good to begin with (My "Tree Portraits" idea fell a bit short of expectations). Well anyway, now that my film camera is basically out of commission for the rest of trip I dont so much know what to all of my planned projects were going to be in film. Not exactly the inspiration I was hoping for to push me forward in my photographic adventures here in London. Suppose I should just take it as a lessoned learned and stick to digital (for the time being).
If you think your camera might have a light leak... do not assume it will just go away and shoot two rolls of film with it anyway.
Yes, I was dumb enough to do just that. And yes, almost all of my pictures are ruined. To be honest, I'm not sure any of them were very good to begin with (My "Tree Portraits" idea fell a bit short of expectations). Well anyway, now that my film camera is basically out of commission for the rest of trip I dont so much know what to all of my planned projects were going to be in film. Not exactly the inspiration I was hoping for to push me forward in my photographic adventures here in London. Suppose I should just take it as a lessoned learned and stick to digital (for the time being).
Sunday, April 13, 2008
A month or so ago, I deemed it necessary to take poloriods of all the major London attractions... I figure it will make a nice little side (night) project, as almost all of them look better in the evening. (Plus it's an almost legitimate reason to take breaks from photoshop). Anyway I finally got off my bum to take a poloroid of Picadilly Circus tonight. Not the most exciting news ever, but I just wanted to share another of my London photographic endeavors. I'm hoping that I can scan them all once I get to Clark.

March 25, 2008: Prague
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
When I first got to London I felt completely lost about what to photograph.. some days I would go out with my camera for hours and barely take a single photograph. I honestly did not enjoy a minute of walking around alone. Today, however, as I walked along the Thames on my way to St. James park (yes it was another day of photographing a London park), I realized how at ease and even HAPPY I felt to be out on my own photographing. Actually, I shot almost a whole roll of film on my way there (I was attempting to follow Warhol's lead and just photograph ppl and signs that I found amusing without thinking too much about each shot). I feel really proud that I've been able to become so much more comfortable and confident on my own.. and I really think it will carry over and help me in lots of ways at home. Maybe I will even feel more confident next semester at school to scout out more interesting models. Without rambling on too much, I guess it just feels good to be able to enjoy photographing again because for a while photographing had become a chore. Days like today make me remember why I love photo so much...
On that note... heres some more pictures from Prague, ENJOY!
All three photographs were taken in Prague on March 24, 2008
(see the color scheme?)
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