On my drive home last weekend I realized that I've been a fool for having not taken any nature picks during this wonderful time of year. Unfortunately, the leaves hadn't begun to change in NY as they have up here but oh well. I shoulda used a tri-pod for this one (sorry Frank), but I had just done like a 3-hour shoot at my grandma's house and was pretty fed-up. Plus it was pretty bright and the exposure was short.
This is a lake right near my grandma's house that I used to go to much more as a kid (Yes, we DO have nature in Long Island.. shocking, I know). As I said I took these pretty quick, but I may go back there next time I'm home (even though all the leaves will likely be gone by then). I think I took this with my mom's paintings in mind. She paints watercolors, mostly lanscapes and flowers and whatnot. I wanted to take pictures that looked like something she would possibly paint.
Anyways, its been really nice to spend some time not in a studio and just taking pictures of things as they are.
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